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Welcome to
The Parish Church of The Holy Spirit
Fawcett Road • Southsea • PO4 0DY
Vicar: Father Russell Lawson
During Lent there will be Stations of the Cross every Friday at the Church of the Holy Spirit and you are very welcome to join us. If you are unable to come to Church you may wish to follow the Stations of the Cross here at any time during Lent.
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This Week
Wednesday 12th March
9:30am -
10:00am -
Lent Course
Thursday 13th March
9:00am -
Friday 14th March
10:00am -
10:30am -
Coffee Morning
6:00pm -
Stations of the Cross
Sunday 16th March
8:00am -
Mass - 2nd Sunday of Lent
10:00am -
Parish Mass - 2nd Sunday of Lent
6:30pm -
Evensong & Benediction
Monday 17th March
10:00am -
Mass - St Patrick
Wednesday 19th March
9:30am -
Mass - St Joseph
Thursday 20th March
9:00am -
3:30pm - 4:45pm -
Messy Easter
Friday 21st March
10:00am -
10:30am -
Coffee Morning
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Daily Message
Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
2 Peter 1:4
2 Peter 1:4
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Special Occasions
For Baptisms, Weddings, or Funerals, please contact Father Russell Lawson. Further information may be found here:
• Baptisms
• Weddings
• Funerals
Latest News
Always look at our weekly Newsletter and Church and Parish Notices.
The Church of the Holy Spirit is a Registered Charity Number 1185260
Consider making a donation to the Church of the Holy Spirit Southsea here
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