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Welcome to
The Parish Church of The Holy Spirit
Fawcett Road • Southsea • PO4 0DY
Vicar: Father Russell Lawson
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This Week
Friday 14th February
10:00am -
Mass - Sts Cyril & Methodius
10:30am -
Coffee Morning
3:00pm -
Mass at House of Bethany
Sunday 16th February
8:00am -
Mass - 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00am -
Parish Mass - 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
6:30pm -
Evensong & Benediction
Monday 17th February
10:00am -
Mass - Seven Servite Founders
Wednesday 19th February
9:30am -
Thursday 20th February
9:00am -
Friday 21st February
10:00am -
Mass - St Peter Damian
10:30am -
Coffee Morning
3:00pm -
Mass at House of Bethany
Sunday 23rd February
8:00am -
Mass - 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00am -
Parish Mass - 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
6:30pm -
Evensong & Benediction
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Daily Message
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
John 13:34-35
John 13:34-35
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Special Occasions
For Baptisms, Weddings, or Funerals, please contact Father Russell Lawson. Further information may be found here:
• Baptisms
• Weddings
• Funerals
Latest News
Always look at our weekly Newsletter and Church and Parish Notices.
The Church of the Holy Spirit is a Registered Charity Number 1185260
Consider making a donation to the Church of the Holy Spirit Southsea here
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